Sunday, June 8, 2008



TK said...

She's too old for bumpers! It's safer without them at her age, that way she can't get tangled in them and become dangerous.
I remember each one of my girls doing what she's doing. Eventually they don't do that anymore.... I love her little arm hanging over the crip....... give her a great big kiss from Auntie Treece :)

DD said...

What happened to the bumpers? Annabelle literally had the same thing happen to her last night! Must be the age!

Irishembi said...

HAHAHAHA! Meredith falls asleep that way too. I always have this urge to move her arms and legs back into the crib but then remind myself that chancing waking a sleeping 15 month old is never a good idea.

KK said...

LOL...Kara used to do the same thing! How can that be comfortable????