Thursday, June 26, 2008


So we did it. We finally got the ball rolling and started the passport process. I hear they won't let us into Japan without them. Mom and Dad took me to the Post Office today and had my picture taken. There was a bit of paperwork to fill out and we were on our way. I thought it was pretty painless. I didn't want to sit in the chair the nice Mail Lady had for me, so Dad put me on his shoulders and kneeled on the ground. I guess it was a good way to keep me still without getting their hands in my picture. Smart cookies they are.
These are pictures of my Mommy. If you didn't know, she's in the Navy.
Check out some of these crazy outfits they make her wear!

This is her dress uniform. Doesn't she look like the GOOD HUMOR WOMAN?!

This is her working uniform. She wears this EVERYDAY. Can you say TIDE PEN?!


Mama Duck said...

so how many Tide pens do you keep around? I'd never be able to manage a white uniform.. I have issues with keeping socks white, lol.

TK said...

I think your uniform is awesome! You are representing some awesome people! :)
Oh and Kady's passport is sooooooooo cute!

DD said...

SO CUTE!!! I love her little passport picture!

Irishembi said...

Your parents are smart cookies Kady! And tell your Mommy I think she looks great in those uniforms!!!

Ashley Marshall said...

what a cute passport photo Kady! :)

And you're mom looks great in her Uni's as well :) Tide pen for sure! lol

KK said...

I love her passport pic!!! What a great thing to have when she gets older!

You look great in your uni!!!