Sunday, October 19, 2008


I give my Daddy lots of cuddles.....I'm sure you would cuddle my Daddy too if you woke up to a breakfast of
bananas, pancakes, and German chocolate!
This chocolate is REALLY from Germany. Mr Allison, the gentleman Mommy works with, just came back from Germany and brought us back some yummy chocolate.
Good thing I can't read how many calories were in it! If you can read German....I don't care to know!


KK said...

That is such a cute pic of Kady and her daddy!

Anonymous said...

snuggley hugs and yummy waffles with bananas and chocolate no less!!! WOW!!! Your dad treats you like a princess!!!! I love your blog. I just wish I could kiss you!!!

Thatcher's Mommy said...

Kady Mae- aren't you glad they don't put the fat content on the packages in Germany? The brand I personally love, Milka, does put their caloric information on the packs... lets just say you're better off not knowing. German chocolate is the sole reason I gained 20 pounds in the first three months I lived in Germany!