Today started off pretty good. I woke up, went to Muggah's house, ate, took a nap, got picked up...and went to the CIRCUS! Now, I've never been to the circus, but it seemed like it could be a lot of fun. Mom said there were tons of animals there and other fun things.
So I recruited a few resident experts, Mikayla and Katerina. They introduced me to the elephants.
They seemed alright. Kinda big....but alright.
I thought they were pretty cool, from back here.
And that was just about what I saw of the Circus. Once we got inside, I wanted out. I didn't like the noise or the motorcycles or the ring announcer or...........anything else. Mom laughed when we were driving back home when I asked were the Monkeys and Bears were....I guess I didn't stick around long enough to see them. Oh well, there is always next time.
Kady is getteing so big! She is gorgeous!!!!
Fun times!
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